
Nuclear throne water level
Nuclear throne water level

“I’d like you two to go on patrol, if you please. >You need to get them out of here before they do something stupid. >Your guard looks between you and Anon's no doubt challenging gaze. He doesn't have hooves like us, so he needs to rest his feet." "It's ok, Anon's a very good friend of mine.

nuclear throne water level

>You look over at him, your smile never leaving your face. >"Your highness!" One of your guards calls out in disgust. >He slips down and places his booted feet on your back. >Despite that, you lay down in front of him, your flank facing him. >He flew here in his contraption, and he knows you know it. >”But you ’s a loooong walk to here from the Badlands. >”Veeery nice.” He leans his head back against your throne. You recently had it raised to be the perfect height for him.

nuclear throne water level

>He practically collapses into your throne. >That’s the fate that awaits your ponies, should you displease him. >Your heart pounds in your ears as he meets your gaze. >You look back at him, keeping your ‘warm and slightly motherly’ smile on your face as he climbs the dais. >But with a twitch of your wings, you order them to stay still. >Your guards seem as flabbergasted as Highmane did. >Happily, he takes heed, scurrying out of the room. >You give the slightest of head tilts towards the door, indicating that he needs to leave RIGHT NOW. >The count stares at you, open mouthed as Anon saunters over. “You know me too well Celly, I DO hate a cold chair after all.” >He looks sideways at you, that predatory grin never faltering. I know how much you hate coming all this way just to find out your seat’s cold.” "I was keeping it warm for you in case you visited. >You look at him, your warm smile never faltering. >Thinking quickly, you hop off your throne and sit before it. >"Ooohhh," He sounds as though speaking to a foal who did something adorable. >He points a finger at you as he approaches, grinning from ear to ear. >Your bodyguards bristle, causing your heart to leap to your throat. >He strolls in past the frozen form of the Count, his arms outstretched, a bag dangling from his hand. >In swaggers the smirking, bipedal alien known only as "Anonymous." >Before he can reach them, they burst open,. >You give the standard “now go away” phrase which you’ve been using for the past four hundred years. >Luckily for you, he falls back to etiquette. >The Count seems at a complete loss of what to do. >Like your library, where you don’t need to worry about anypony witnessing. “If you have no other business, I am needed urgently elsewhere.” >He stops, not even bothering to close his mouth from the shock. >It's good your sister's still barred from them. >That sound's haunted your dreams ever since it first appeared in Equestria. >It’s only been a couple weeks.you should have a month minimum!

nuclear throne water level

Tuning him out, you listen to the mechanical ’s getting closer. >Your ears perk up as your hear a very distinct noise behind the count’s complaining. >”Your Highness, please be reasonable! If left unchecked, whatever disaster magnet is in Ponyville will bring ruin to the entire Kingdom! It’s already almost happened three times! It’s just a temporary.” >The count stomps his hoof like a petulant child. “Count Highmane, while I won’t deny Ponyville has been the center of a large number of disasters in the past few years, I hardly believe banishing everypony from existence is a rational response to taxes being raised.”

nuclear throne water level

>You raise an eyebrow, hiding any other signs of emotion. >”.and in conclusion, I believe we must construct a massive dome around Ponyville, and magicly isolate them in a moment of time. >Unfortunately, you’re dealing with one of the insufferable petitioners right now. >Presiding over court can be both insufferable and richly rewarding. >You’ve spent the past thousand years as the sole ruler, they’re still yours. >You are currently presiding over your court, dealing with the problems of all your little ponies. >Sometimes you wish they'd just call you Celestia. RAW Paste Data Copied >You are The Morning Sun, Sol Invictus, She-Who-Rules-The-Day, and many other titles.

Nuclear throne water level